Japanese Encephalitis* Vaccine

Japanese Encephalitis* Vaccine

Japanese Encephalitis Vaccination at Dermacia's Travel Clinic
Availability:Out of stock

Japanese Encephalitis Vaccination

2 Dose Vaccine Course at Dermacia's Walk-in Travel Clinic

Japanese encephalitis is a virus that is spread by mosquitos, particularly those that are found near rice paddies in India and South East Asia including Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. It causes swelling of the brain, which can lead to permanent brain damage and in some cases death. The WHO estimates that around 50,000 are infected every year in Asia. Additionally it can be contracted in rural parts of North East Australia.

Risk for Travellers

Risk is highest for people travelling to high risk countries for any length of time, particularly those visiting agricultural areas. travellers who are visiting agricultural areas or those who are travelling to high-risk countries for more than three to four weeks.


There is no specific treatment for Japanese Encephalitis. People who contract this virus often end up needing to given supportive therapy in intensive care. 


A Japanese Encephalitis vaccination course of two doses of IXIARO injections is recommended over a duration of 7 or 28 days to protect against Japanese encephalitis. Dermacia also recommends that you use a mosquito net in the evening and at night, when biting insects are most active.

Please phone Dermacia's walk-in travel clinic on 020 7226 2780 or for more information, visit the NHS website: Fit for Travel


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