Stop Smoking

Stop Smoking

Stop Smoking With Dermacia

Making the decision to stop smoking is health and lifestyle choice. Smoking is one of the leading causes of death in the UK, with smokers at risk of heart disease, cancer and poblems with breathing, in addition to cosmetic effects such as dry skin, wrinkles and stained teeth. once you decide to stop smoking, your body will start to fight the negative effects that nicotine brings. Nicotine replacement products such as gum, sprays, tablets and patches have been proven to help smokers recover from their addiction to nicotine, reduce cravings and help smokers ditch the habit once and for all. Dermacia's online pharmacy and Islington chemist shop has leading nictotine replacement and products to stop you from smoking such as Nicotinell, Niquitin, Nicorettes and Nicolites, to give smokers a fighting chance and stopping smoking for good.

Our friendly pharmacists are always on hand to give information and advice about any of our products, so pop into Dermacia or shop from our competitively priced online pharmacy.  

Smoking facts*

  • People are four times more likely to quit with support compared to those who choose to go it alone
  • Smoking increases the risk of serious diseases and health problems such as cancer, heart attack, stroke and breathing problems such as COPD

*Smoke free - Department of Health