Yellow Fever Vaccinations

Yellow Fever Vaccinations
With world travel being easier than ever before, there is a fantastic opportunity to see the sights and go exploring. Heading off around the world can be exciting, but it is important that you take precautions before you visit certain destinations. Before you head off, you should check for advice and guidance on any medical precautions you should take before making a trip. If you are travelling to a destination where you may be exposed to yellow fever or at risk of catching it, we are here to ensure you are properly vaccinated. At Dermacia Pharmacy, we offer a walk-in travel clinic and there is no need to book your appointment. We are fully authorised to provide the Yellow Fever vaccination and as we are located just a five minute walk from the Highbury & Islington Underground and Rail stations, we are able to provide this service to people from all over London. If you need the Yellow Fever vaccination, come in and see us and we will be delighted to provide you with the assurance you need before making your trip.

About the Yellow Fever vaccine

We are able to provide the Yellow Fever vaccination in a single injection and you should receive this at least 10 days before you head off. This will provide ample time for your body to develop a level of protection against the infection. We will provide you with a proof of vaccination certificate but it will only become valid after these 10 days have passed so please do not leave it to the last minute. The vaccination provides ample protection for 95% to 100% of people who have been vaccinated and the protection is said to last for at least 10 years. Research indicates that the benefits of the vaccination may even last for your lifetime, however long that may be but 10 years is definitely the minimum length of protection.

Yellow Fever Vaccination Booster Doses

We provide booster doses and we recommend that these are received every 10 years if you are planning on visiting a location where the infection is present. However, as of June 2016, based on World Health Organisation (WHO) studies, booster shots will no longer be required as your vaccination certificate will be considered as being valid for the rest of your life. Until that point, if you are planning to travel to an area where Yellow Fever is present and you have only been vaccinated out with the last 10 years, a booster will be required. A booster dose is also recommended if:
  • You require a valid certificate of having received the vaccination
  • You received the vaccination when you were pregnant
  • You received the vaccination when you are younger than two years old
  • You received the vaccination when you had a weakened immune system
If you are unsure of whether you need a vaccination booster or not, please come along and see us and we will be more than happy to advise you. We are pleased to say that we are registered as an Official Yellow Fever vaccination centre and we can provide you with the vaccination and any guidance you may require.

The vaccination certificate

Yellow book International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophyla Following guidelines that have been issued by the WHO, anyone that is looking to travel to an area or a country where there is a risk of receiving or spreading Yellow Fever needs to hold an International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICVP). The WHO website provides a list of all of the countries where you need an ICVP to gain entry and the NHS Fit For Travel website also contains valid information. If you lose your certificate, you will need to have one reissued, which you can do if you retain the batch number of the vaccination and the date when you received the vaccination.

People exempt from vaccination

People exempt from needing the Yellow Fever vaccination, due to concerns about possible complications or side effects include:
  • Babies under 9 months
  • People aged 60 or over
  • Women who are breastfeeding
  • People who have a weakened immune system
  • People allergic to the ingredients contained in the vaccine – including eggs

Side effects of the vaccine

Up to 1 in 3 people suffer side effects after receiving the Yellow Fever vaccine with these side effects being:
  • Muscle Pain
  • Headache
  • Mild Fever
  • Soreness at the point of the vaccination
In very rare circumstances, some people can suffer from an allergic reaction to the vaccine, an occurrence which happens around 1 in every 130,000 doses. In rarer circumstances, people can suffer from YEL-AND or TEL-AVID, neurological and viscerotropic diseases, which have a 1 in 250,000 and a 1 in 330,000 likelihood of occurring. At Dermacia Pharmacy, we take every care and precaution and if you need any guidance regarding Yellow Fever, please come in and see us, no appointment is required.