
With the earliest use of acupuncture dating back over 5,000 years ago, this is clearly a form of medical treatment with a lot of use behind it. Acupuncture was brought to Western cultures in the 20th century when it was brought pack by doctors who had witnessed the treatment while visiting China. The treatment has received a fantastic swell in popularity and it is said than in Great Britain, there is more than 2 million acupuncture treatments provided each year. Many people turn to acupuncture when they have exhausted other forms of medical treatment but it can also be used as a preventative medicine. There are many people who receive this form of treatment between two and four times a year. It is believed that this helps people to retain their energy and to hold a good form of health. At Dermacia Pharmacy, we are able to examine you and your condition to determine if you would benefit from this form of treatment. We believe that acupuncture provides a bespoke medical treatment and there are some cases where it is better than other forms of medicine. You can rest assured that we will properly examine you and ensure that you receive the right form of acupuncture for your condition. One of the most important things about acupuncture treatment is that it can be used for a number of conditions and ailments although it is most commonly associated with conditions that cause pain. In this regard, it is best to see acupuncture as a form of treatment suitable for people suffering from sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, knee pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, back pain and arthritis. At Dermacia Pharmacy, we are pleased to offer a wide range of acupuncture treatments, including: The British Acupuncture Council produces fact sheets that outline the evidence for acupuncture's effectiveness in the treatment in many conditions, including: Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Disorders These disorders can be treated effectively with the use of acupuncture and we commonly assist people suffering from sore throats, sinusitis, hay fever, ringing in their ears, poor eyesight, dizziness, nerve deafness and earache. Circulatory Disorders Acupuncture has been utilised to treat respiratory disorders such as colds, flu, bronchitis, asthma and emphysema. Acupuncture has also been used to assist with weight control, diabetes, dermatological disorders and the side effects which arise from radiation and chemotherapy treatment. Acupuncture has also been used to treat many addictions, including alcohol addition, smoking and drug addiction. Emotional and Psychological Disorders Acupuncture is commonly used to treat the following psychological and emotional disorders:   ·         Anxiety ·         Depression ·         Insomnia ·         Stress Immune Disorders Some of the immune disorders treated by acupuncture include: ·         Allergies ·         Candida ·         Chronic Fatigue ·         Epstein Barr Virus ·         Hepatitis ·         HIV and AIDS ·         Lupus ·         MS Musculoskeletal and Neurological Disorders Acupuncture has been used to treat the following musculoskeletal and neurological disorders: ·         Arthritis ·         Back Pain ·         Bell's Palsy ·         Bursitis ·         Cerebral Palsy ·         Headaches and Migraines ·         Muscle Spasms ·         Neuralgia ·         Polio ·         Sciatica ·         Shingles ·         Sprains ·         Stiff Neck ·         Stroke ·         Tendonitis ·         Trigeminal Neuralgia The fact that acupuncture is an effective way to treat a great number of conditions and ailments means that it has become a useful tool in the battle to keep people healthy and well. At Dermacia Pharmacy, we are fully committed to helping people stay as fit and as healthy as possible, which is why we are keen to offer as many services as possible. We believe that acupuncture can be utilised in an attempt to keep people in good health and we are more than happy to recommend this treatment in certain conditions. At Dermacia Pharmacy, you can rest assured that we will carry out medical screening on all of our clients to ensure that they receive the best form of medical treatment and assistance available. We work closely with GPs to ensure that people receive the advised treatment but we are aware that many people are keen to undertake treatment that will provide them with a better quality of life.