Minor Ailments Scheme

The Minor Ailment Scheme is under the guidance of the NHS, whereby a pharmacist is allowed to dispense medication to a patient for certain conditions. Consequently, you don’t have to waste a lot of time waiting for an appointment with your GP and you can get treatment immediately. The conditions that are covered include:
  • Skin conditions such as mild acne and mild eczema
  • Constipation and haemorrhoids
  • Hay fever and allergies
  • Aches and pains
  • Indigestion, diarrhoea and threadworms
  • Period pain and thrush
  • Athlete’s foot
  • Nappy rash and teething
  • Coughs and colds including nasal congestion and sore throat
  • Minor cuts and bruises
  • Warts and verrucas, mouth ulcers and cold sores
If you are unsure if your condition falls under any of these categories, please do not hesitate to contact us. For more serious injuries especially if it has occurred after an accident, or unexpected chest pains and breathing difficulty please go to your local A&E immediately. This service is only available for those who are entitled to free medication on the NHS. We will require your Minor Ailment Number, which you can get from your Doctor’s Surgery, or if your surgery is located close by to our Pharmacy in Islington, it may be possible for us to get the number from your surgery. You can only get medication for a certain condition once every three months. If that condition reappears within this period, you will have to get a prescription from your GP.